Saturday, 9 June 2012

Dancing in the street...

Parted with a few more pennies yesterday. We were in John Lewis picking up some bits for D's birthday celebrations when we spotted the ultimate home accessory for us! We've been living in our current flat for about 6 months and it's finally taking shape in the way that we want it (or that I want it to!). I'm going through a bit of a duck egg phase with our front room being filled with two AMAZING Laura Ashley floral duck egg sofas, picked up in a 60% off sale, and D is always taking the mick out of me for wanting everything in my life to be this colour. D is also a massive Anchorman fan and quotes it constantly, what a loser! But imagine how excited we were when we found this little sign...
Just PERFECT! Vintagey and duck egg for me, ridiculous quotes for D.
Then we headed out to see Dancing in the Street, a Motown show which was unexpectedly really really good! Would recommend it to anyone who loves a bit of a dance to some Motown classics. Was such a shame that loads of seats were free, felt awful for the performers so put extra effort into my singing along! We were meant to be going out afterwards but it was absolutely bouncing down so we just retired home to watch the football highlights woop woop. Check out my weather appropriate outfit, a recent BARGAIN from the Love concession at Topshop, from £38 down to a tenner.
KJ xx

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